$45M +
Portfolio Value

410 +
Total Units

17 %+
Targeted IRR
Portfolio Value
Total Units
Targeted IRR
Some investors may believe that they don’t know enough about real estate investing or don’t have enough experience to invest successfully.
Many investors believe they need significant time to invest in real estate (find deals, arrange financing, manage residents, etc), which isn’t true.
Some investors may believe that they don’t have enough money, time, or other resources to invest in real estate.
You don’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest in real estate… investors can participate in our deals for as little as $50,000.
Multifamily properties generate cash flow
Favorable, low-interest rate debt is readily available available to finance multifamily acquisitions (unlike other commercial asset classes)
When investing in “value-add” multifamily assets, investors can rapidly create value and force appreciation through improving management quality, increasing revenue, and reducing expenses.
Over the long-term, due to rent growth, a multifamily asset’s net operating income increases over time (as does it’s value).
Thanks to depreciation and available deductions, multifamily real estate is one of the most tax advantaged investment vehicles available
CEO, Aligned Real Estate Partners
“I started my company and began purchasing real estate while in college, however, after a couple of years, I hit a plateau in the business and eventually needed to find a job. Just 4 days into my new job, I received a phone call from a seller who wanted to sell his property but couldn’t answer it because I was at my day job – by the time I got home and returned his call, he had accepted another offer. It would have been the best deal I had ever done… the next day I went into the office, told my boss the story, and he said I would be crazy if I didn’t quit.
The moral of the story is that it’s hard to successfully invest in real estate while working a full-time job. I founded Aligned Real Estate Partners with the goal of assisting busy professionals who want to invest in real estate but are constricted by the demands of their full-time job or business – these individuals do not need to miss out on the benefits of investing in real estate.”
– Barrington, NH
– 72
– B
– Manchester, NH
– 45
– B
– Manchester, NH
– 23
– C+
5.0 + 285 Reviews
Axel Ragnarsson speaks with successful real estate investors and dissects how they started, built, and scaled their businesses. In each episode, listeners can expect tactical and actionable information to help grow their business and real estate portfolio.